Books or related: Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems (Book)

God has written this book. I only have moved my fingers on a keyboard.

Nature has been abused for some considerable time already, and still continues to be abused. Now, nature is fighting us back, increasingly stronger for some time, and it seems clearly that we are going to lose this fight, not only because we are not intelligent enough, but rather because we are also arrogant and greedy.


1. Publisher’s Presentation video material of the Book “Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems”

2. Publisher’s Presentation of the Book “Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems

3. Press Release for the Book “Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems”

4. Presentation in ResearchGate of the Book “Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems”

Acceptance letter of the Book “Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems”

You can see details and eventually order this book by clicking: Book “Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems”

This book is based on previous papers of the author published within the International Dialogo Conference between 2018 and 2021, a conference on the dialogue between science and theology.

To see Foreword and Abstract of this book, click here

You can see details and eventually order this book by clicking: Book “Environmental, Climate and Resource Issues on Earth. Governing Dynamics in Complex Systems”

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